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발간자료 Analyzing America's Two-Year Initiative to Revitalize the Semiconductor Supply Chain 이수현 글로벌거버넌스연구부 연구원 작성일 2024-02-15 조회수 43758
페이스북 트위터 카카오톡

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* 모든 항목은 필수 입력 사항입니다.

* 받는 사람 이메일
* 컨텐츠 주소
* 제목
* 메시지
1. Introduction 
2. Evaluating the American Semiconductor Supply Chain 
3. US Domestic Efforts to Revitalize its Semiconductor Supply Chain: 
Industrial Subsidies and Export Controls 
4. US Efforts to Enhance its Semiconductor Supply Chain: Friend-shoring 
5. Implications for Strengthening South Korea’s Semiconductor Supply Chain
6. Conclusion
7. Endnote 

< Executive summary >

The convergence of supply chain disruptions and the Covid-19 pandemic created a significant upheaval in the global supply chain, which influenced industries reliant on semiconductor chips for manufacturing. These challenges, compounded by the geopolitical tensions, underscored the urgency of enhancing the domestic semiconductor industry in the United States. The Biden administration has responded by implementing subsidies, export controls, and collaborative efforts with allies to secure the semiconductor supply chain.

This paper focuses on the domestic initiatives undertaken by the Biden administration to bolster the semiconductor supply chain, followed by an examination of collaborative efforts with allies and partners through multilateral cooperation. By analyzing US led friend-shoring initiatives and assessing opportunities and limitations in these cooperative efforts, it identifies potential areas where South Korea could contribute to enhancing the global semiconductor supply chain while strengthening its own industry capacities.

The structure of the paper is as follows: It begins by outlining the strategies employed by the Biden administration to fortify the supply chain in the American semiconductor industry. The introduction includes an evaluation of the semiconductor supply chain in the United States, followed by an examination of measures taken by the US government to improve it. The paper then explores the US-led initiatives in building a robust supply chain through various channels like the US-EU Trade and Technology Council, Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD), and G7. By providing limitations of these initiatives, it would offer ample opportunities in which South Korea could cooperate with partnering countries. Finally, the paper concludes by addressing the implications of strengthening South Korea's semiconductor supply chain.

* 붙임 참고 
ISR2024-01E 이수현.pdf
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