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Others Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security Releases IFANS Forecast 2023 Department IFANS Uploaded by IFANS Upload Date 2022.12.19 Hits 104955
1. The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security (IFANS) of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA) has released the IFANS Forecast 2023 to provide detailed forecasts of the global political landscape in 2023. The IFANS Forecast is the Institute’s longstanding annual publication on the following year’s global political landscape designed to contribute to the foreign policy decision-making of the Korean government and give the public a better understanding of the global political landscape. 
※ The views expressed in the document are those of the authors and are not to be construed as representing those of IFANS or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

2. The IFANS Forecast 2023 includes a preface written by KNDA Chancellor HONG Hyunik and consists of four chapters: Political Landscape of the Korean Peninsula, Political Landscape of Northeast Asia, Political Landscape in the World’s Major Regions, and Global Issues and Governance. It provides the authors’ insights on how the global political landscape, North Korean nuclear issues, and inter-Korean relations would unfold in 2023. 

3. The IFANS Forecast 2023 will be uploaded on the IFANS website on December 19, 2022, and will be distributed to various organizations including government agencies, universities, research institutes, and media outlets. 

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