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Publications IFANS Forecast 2024 IFANS Upload Date 2024-01-15 Hits 56949
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Ⅰ. Political Landscape on the Korean Peninsula

      1.  North Korea’s Internal Landscape
      2. Recent Developments in North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Inter- 
          Korean Relations 

Ⅱ. Political Landscape of Major Powers

      1 . Political Landscape of  East  Asia
      2. The U.S.
      3. China
      4. Japan
      5. Russia 

Ⅲ. Political Landscape in the World’s Major Regions

      1. Southeast Asia 
      2. South Asia
      3. Europe
      4. The Middle East
      5. Central Asia
      6. Africa
      7. Latin America and the Caribbean

Ⅳ. Global  Issues and Governance

      1 . International Finance and  Monetary  Issues
      2. International Trade and Economic Security 
      3. International Law
      4. Emerging  Security: Cyber, Space, and  AI
      5. Environment: Climate Change·Energy
      6. Development Cooperation

* Attached File

[IP2024-02E] IFANS Forecast 2024.pdf
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